Are you trapped in a cycle of resentment and frustration in your marriage? Do you feel misunderstood, disconnected, and longing for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your spouse? If you’re nodding in agreement, I have something transformative to share with you.
Mastering Masculinity, Together.
Four Ingredients for Harnessing Hardships into Heroism
Comfort and ease are not noble pursuits. We either embrace life’s challenges as vital and necessary, or resist them with despair.
Menorahs and Masculinity: Finding Common Ground in the Story of Judah Maccabee
Unveiling the Surprising Reason Why I, a Non-Jew, Celebrate Hanukkah Every Year! 🕎✨ Dive into the Epic Tale of the Maccabees: Courage, Resilience, and a Legacy of Triumph Over Darkness. Discover How Their Inspiring Virtues are Transforming My Life and Could Ignite Yours Too! 🔥🌟
Focus ≠ Wisdom & Feelings ≠ Reality
I knew I had a wife problem!
I knew I was being wronged!
I knew I was being disrespected, overlooked, misjudged, unvalued, and unloved.
Learn How To Successfully Navigate Divorce and Fatherhood
Divorce can be a tough time for men, but it can be especially challenging for fathers. Here’s one fathers story of connection with his son post divorce.
“Do you ever mentor men for free?”
We’ve learned that the more comfortable a man wants the start of his mentoring journey to be, the more certain he will not follow through to finish it.
By contrast, the more invested a man is in his journey, the more thorough and transformative his experience
Connection: Why few find it, most break it, and how to begin restoring it
When we first meet these men, they’re convinced they have specific problems like:
Being unappreciated/disrespected/overlooked
Feeling alone even though in a relationship or in a crowd
An angry, cold, distant wife or partner who doesn’t seem to like them, let alone love them
Not receiving warmth/attention/affection/touch/together time/sex/intimacy
Their wife/partner spending too much time on her phone/with friends/with the kids/etc
Why ChatGPT Won’t Help You Fix Your Broken Sexless Marriage
The truth is, many men will be angered reading this. They’re not yet ready to face the daunting task of maturing into their most capable, confident selves. That’s okay; We get it; we were there, too, once!
Breaking the Chains of Insecurity: How to Stop Being Upset When Your Wife Goes to Bed Without A Goodnight Kiss
I still get triggered seeing her on the sofa on her phone which is where she is pretty much most of the time after saying Goodnight to the kids. More often than not, she’s watching something or doing something. She’ll spend most of the time before bed in that position before going to bed. If I happen to go engage her in convo, she’ll listen and we talk but 90% of the time, that only happens if I initiate. She has rarely come to where I am and engaged me that way.
Why You Should Stop Telling Yourself That Sex Is A “Need”
When we first meet men, they often only approach sex in one way. Neediness.
We know it’s hard to hear, but this is the approach of immature, insecure men.
There’s a better way, and it involves a transformation and maturing process in the man’s life.
My Wife Just Said, “I Want A Divorce!” – Is My Marriage Over?
Many men are uncertain how to handle a wife’s declaration of divorce and fearfully wonder if her words are a determinative factor for getting a divorce. In this article, "Vick," one of our apprentice mentors of Mentoring Men, discusses what to do in these moments. If...
My Wife and I had a massive fight, and I can’t sleep. I’m broken and don’t know what to do.
Dena and I had a massive fight, and I can’t sleep. I’m broken. I don’t know what to do with her anger. She said she didn’t want to be married. I don’t think she means it.
She drank too much, and then the anger came. We need help, but I’m not sure where to go next. I know all the things we’ve been learning are helping me.
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