Has your wife SAID,


Learn what she means, why she feels that way, and what you can do about it.


Discover the nine most popular reasons a wife says, “I love you but I’m not in love with you”,

what she means, and how to know if, when, and how to talk to her about her feelings.

Learn how to master relationship challenges gracefully and confidently

to create more connection, closeness, and intimacy.


The “I Love You, But I’m Not In Love With You” Survival Guide

Welcome to the “I love you, but I’m not in love with you” Survival Guide. In this video, we’ll introduce you to Mentoring Men and the free survival guide we’ve prepared for men exactly like you.

Reason #1

What Does She Mean, “I Love You, But I’m Not In Love With You?”

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • How your wife can love you, but not love you.
  • How your wife can feel this as pressure.
  • How to avoid adding even more pressure.
  • How to relieve pressure as a secure, confident, masculine man.

Reason #2

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husband When He Has Been  Frustrated, Resentful, and Unloving For A Long Time.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • What your wife is hurt and disappointed about.
  • Why she doesn’t talk about it, even though you keep asking her too.
  • How to overcome your own disappointment and hurt.
  • How to respond to her hurt feelings with curiosity, empathy, compassion, and understanding.

Reason #3

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husbands When She Has Lost Hope And Doesn’t Know How To Fix The Relationship.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Why she feels this way, even though you feel like an ideal husband.
  • How your actions and behaviors might make her feel like your therapist, or worse – your mommy.
  • How to become a secure man restores connection with his wife and renews her hope in the relationship.

Reason #4

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husband When Her Feelings Are Her Reality & Her Truth.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Why your wife is re-writing past events and feelings.
  • Why she’s not keen on going to marriage counseling.
  • How you can live with uncertainty while she’s feeling distant.

Reason #5

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husbands When She Feels Guilty About Her Feelings.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Why your wife feels inauthentic about pretending to love you.
  • The quick mindset shift that you can use to relax about her feelings.
  • How heavy-handedness erodes trust.

Reason #6

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husbands When She Is Thinking About Divorce.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Why flowers, chocolate, cards, compliments, and gift certificates are not enough.
  • Why her wedding ring can feel like torture to wear sometimes.
  • How to begin leading the relationship to healing.

reason #7

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husbands If She Is Having An Affair.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • What to do if you suspect your wife is cheating or having an emotional or physical affair.
  • How to move forward in the uncertainty of not knowing if she’s cheating.
  • What to do about that sick feeling in your stomach.

reason #8

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husbands When She Is Experiencing Menopause.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Why your wife feels disconnected even though you may be trying.
  • How her hormonal changes are only one part of the story.
  • Navigating the “I love you, but I’m not in love with you” landscape without dying.

reason #9

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husbands When She Is Facing Her Own Mortality.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Why your wife feeling emotionally disconnected from you can be a good thing for you.
  • How to confidently face your own mortality.
  • How to support her during a time of reflection while overcoming your own fear, uncertainty, and anxiety.

reason #10

A Wife Is Not In Love With Her Husbands When She Needs To Face Her Past Trauma.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Why none of this is about you until you make it about you.
  • How to stop fearing her feelings.
  • How to support her healing without telling her she’s broken.

bonus content

Avoid these common mistakes and blunders that cause even more pain and disconnection.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • The most common reactions men have to their wives sharing their lack of romantic feelings.
  • How to avoid causing even more relationship trouble and disconnection.
  • Principals, values, and mindsets that guide a man through conflict and adversity with confidence.


If, how, and when to speak to your wife about her feelings.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • How to know if you’re ready to speak to your wife about her feelings.
  • What you should say and not say about her lack of loving feelings.
  • How to help your wife restore her loving romantic feelings for you.

Your wife saying, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you" can turn into one of the best things that ever happened to you!

Speak now with a man who can show you the way through the emotional and relational landscape of a disconnected wife who loves you and has also lost her loving romantic feelings for you.

Let us help point you onward to clarity, connection, and restored intimacy.

No sales pitch, no B.S.

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